FEBRUARY 2020 - MARCH 2020
So, we created our modest studio space. Got some handy equipment. Registered for an LLC. Now we are in business. Well, there was still more to do.
What really pushed me to get this business started was a "Career in Music" class. Helping us venture onto a project or what could potentially be our "musicians income." Lots of my peers went for offering private lessons, others were pursuing their song writing, and some their solo performance portfolio.
I wanted to start a business to help my peers in my class. I offered my services to my peers, if they need any recording for their project I was available. Low and behold an awesome tenor singer (Marty) wanted to work with me. It was great because it was just a simple acoustic set up. A singer, a piano, and an open room.
I knew the challenges already, keeping sound from the outside from coming in
(these were practice rooms after all).
We were able to have 2 sessions before we went off for a very well anticipated spring break. The work done was nice, he was extremely well prepared to get their project done. We only had to do like 2-3 runs of each song he needed to record.
This was the type of people I wanted to work with. Granted we had a little snag (forgetting a cable is no fun). Overall it was a fun recording session.
Since I was headed home for the break (and created another quick set up) it was difficult for Andrew to hear the song. Here is my quick hometown set up.
It was this session that helped me realize that this was a viable option if education wouldn't pan out. And if not it could for a great side job and hobby.
Excited about the sessions, I reached back out to Andrew with the news and some ideas with how we could approach this crazy independent record label and recording studio. We didn't have a big space but being able to utilize any space gave
me confidence in recording.
Andrew had other plans. "Hey, I have some music I've been holding onto in my back pocket."
The week leading up to spring break that's all we did. Record his music, that way I had something to mix for spring break (and boy did I try to push for an extremely rushed spring break release).
Before I wanted to record Andrew, there was a little bit more "acoustic treatment" that needed to be done in my apartment. So we went to a hardware store, got some materials (that I now know where to expensive). And made some 10" bass traps. It got the job done, absorbed sound, and blocked a lot of it from going into my neighbors' apartment. Lots of DIY and it was okay, at the moment.
All of Andrew's music is phenomenal, he has great melody and part writing. Then just having a space to workshop, here's some fun times of us recording in the small apartment space.
That is how I wanted to lead into my spring break, hanging out with a friend and making awesome music. We need that, little did we know, we were going to need that more than we thought.
Something was around the corner, and we had no idea it would affect us at all. Until next time, thank you for reading.